
SKIP TO: Benefit Specialist Caregiver Supports Community Programming Dementia Care Specialist Information and Assistance Loan Closet Monthly Newsletter Nutrition Program Transportation Program  

Benefits Specialists

Disability Benefits Specialists (DBS)

Providing benefits counseling to adults ages 18 to 59 with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders.

See the Youth Transition page for more details in regards to services available for disabled youth transitioning into adulthood.

Elder Benefits Specialists (EBS)

Providing assistance to adults ages 60 and over who are having problems with their private or government benefits, or who simply have questions about their benefits.

Tribal Benefits Specialists

Members of the St Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin can either chose to work with the DBS or EBS in their respective counties, or can request assistance from the Tribal Benefits Specialists.  Members of the St Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, who are residing in Polk County or Burnett County, have the option to contact the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council to speak with a Tribal Benefits Specialist.

GLITC Phone: 800-472-7207

GLITC Website:

See St. Croix Tribe Resources for additional resources available to St Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin who are aging and/or disabled.

Caregiver Supports

Tremendous demands are placed on caregivers.  ADRC staff is available to provide information to caregivers about available services and to assist caregivers in accessing those services.  We co-facilitate two caregivers supports groups.

Dresser Caregiver Support Group
Where: Peace Lutheran Church, Dresser
When: Third Tuesday of every month
Time: 2:00-3:30pm RSVP: Please RSVP by calling Barb Engelhart at the ADRC of Northwest Wisconsin at 877-485-2372. Light refreshments are served.
Burnett County Caregiver Support Group
Where: Grantsburg Public Library
When: Fourth Thursday of every month
Time: 10:30-12pm RSVP: Please RSVP by calling Barb Engelhart at the ADRC of Northwest Wisconsin at 877-485-2372. Light refreshments are served.

Check out our Powerful Tools for Caregivers Workshop!

Community Programming

The ADRC provides and sponsors an array of educational and community outreach programs focusing on health promotion, prevention, caregiving, planning for the future, and topics of interest to community members.  Please contact the ADRC if there is a topic you would like to see covered in the future.

ADRC staff is also available to speak at your community or group meetings if you are interested in learning more about the ADRC.

Check our Facebook page to be informed of upcoming programs and check out our Health Promotion Workshops page for information on our evidence-based healthy aging programs.

Dementia Care Specialist

The ADRC is proud to offer Dementia Care Specialist services.  The Dementia Care Specialist specializes in the specific needs and concerns of people living with dementia, their caregivers and family, and the professionals working with people who have dementia. Anyone who has concerns/questions about dementia or Alzheimer’s can also utilize the DCS. A lending library of books and DVDs related to caregiving is also available. For additional resources for individuals with dementia, caregivers/family members, concerned community members, and professionals visit our Dementia Resources tab.Dementia Education Presentations and Workshops

Lending Library Flyer

Dementia Live

The ADRC of Northwest Wisconsin is now an approved Dementia Live provider. Dementia Live is an interactive program that provides individuals the opportunity to experience what it is like to have dementia. This is a wonderful tool for community members, caregivers, family members, and professionals to utilize to gain a better understanding of what their loved one or the person they are working with is going through daily. Learn to communicate more effectively, become more aware of the sensory changes that occur with different types of dementia, and ultimately provide better care to your loved one. Because it’s frightening to care for someone you don’t understand. Coordinate a Dementia Live Experience/Training by calling the ADRC of Northwest Wisconsin at 877-485-2372.

Information and Assistance

Our specialists will listen to your concerns, assess your needs, help connect you to service providers, and follow up with you to determine if your needs were met. They can provide information and assistance on a wide variety of topics related to the needs of elders and people with disabilities, including but not limited to:

  • Long term care services (i.e. in-home care, assisted living and nursing home facilities, respite care, assistive technology, independent living skills, personal emergency response systems, etc)
  • Paying for long-term care related services (i.e. public programs, long-term care insurance, and other private resources)
  • Health, health promotion, prevention, and early intervention
  • Mental health services and supports
  • Alcohol and other drug abuse services and supports
  • Adult protective services, abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and financial exploitation
  • Employment and vocational rehab
  • Financial and other basic needs (i.e. food, money, shelter, paying for medical care and medications, etc.)
  • Transportation
  • Nutrition
  • Home maintenance
  • Legal issues (i.e. power of attorney, guardianship, consumer rights, advocacy, discrimination, complaints, and grievances)
  • Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
  • Housing
  • Caregiving
  • Death and dying issues and supports, including hospice and palliative care

Help Paying for Long-Term Care

The ADRC is the entryway to publicly funded long-term care programs (Family Care and IRIS).  We screen for eligibility for these programs and then explain your options so that you can make an informed decision about which program you choose.

Options Counseling

Offering information about the choices available to meet your long-term care needs.  Learn about the spectrum of care – ranging from home-based care, the variety of assisted living options, and nursing home care.  We help you to evaluate and weigh your long-term care service options.  We can also answer your questions about Family Care and IRIS.

Family Care Website:

IRIS Website:

Loan Closet

The ADRC loan closet allows people to borrow items such as walkers, bath chairs, wheelchairs, and toilet seat risers for up to 6 months. It is meant to help people who only need the items on a temporary basis, such as after surgery. The number and types of items available may vary based on donations and patron demand. Items are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  This is a free service.

Monthly Newsletter

Did you know that the ADRC of NW WI publishes a free monthly newsletter with useful information about updates in the community and additional resources? Did you know that you can get The Voice mailed right to your door for just $5 a year? Call us at 877-485-2372 to learn more about delivery or pick-up locations!

ADRC Nutrition Program

The ADRC Nutrition Program including group dining at six dining sites throughout Polk and Burnett Counties.  For those who qualify, Meals on Wheels® are also offered.  Anyone who is interested in either dining option and new to the ADRC Dining Program should first contact the ADRC.  See our ADRC Dining Program and Meals on Wheels pages for more information about these programs.


The ADRC provides non-emergency medical transportation to people with disabilities of all ages and people age 60 and over, who reside in Burnett and Polk Counties. Click here for more details about the Volunteer Driver program. In addition, the ADRC has a wheelchair-accessible van that is used for shopping, errand, and socialization-type trips. Click here to see the van schedule and to learn how to reserve a seat on The ADRC Van.

The ADRC does not provide any emergency transportation.  Call 9-1-1 if you require emergency medical transportation and care.

Visit our Volunteer page to find out how to become a volunteer driver for our non-emergency medical transportation program!

If you or someone you know is at risk of abuse or neglect, losing housing or heat, the ADRC is here to help connect you to someone who will respond to your urgent situation. Contact us at 877-485-2372.

The ADRC is not an emergency service provider.  There is no one available at the ADRC to speak with you outside of regular business hours, Monday through Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

Please call 9-1-1 if you are in immediate danger.