The ADRC Nutrition Program provides nutritious meals in Polk County and Burnett County through the ADRC Dining Program and Meals on Wheels® of Northwest Wisconsin.
The Meals on Wheels® program delivers hot meals to individuals who are unable to attend the dining sites and who meet the home-bound eligibility criteria. Meals are delivered Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays by volunteers. Frozen meals are available for Wednesdays and weekends upon request.
Eligibility criteria for Meals on Wheels®:
- Age 60 and older who is frail; mobility issues by reason of illness, disability, or isolation; and has no one to prepare a meal for them. Individuals who are under 60 and are homebound can receive meals but will be required to pay the $10 charge per meal.
- A spouse of a person eligible for Meals on Wheels® regardless of age or condition, if the assessment concludes that this is in the best interest of the homebound individual.
- An individual living with a disability who resides with an eligible individual.
Cost/Suggested Donation:
Beginning 09/01/2022 – Due to current budget constraints, there is a wait list in place for people coming onto the program under the suggested donation rate. Individuals interested in paying full price for the meals would be able to start meals immediately.
Individuals Under 60 Years of Age (who does not reside with or is not married to someone 60+ who is eligible): $10 charge per meal. These individuals are required to sign an agreement indicating they can and will pay the full meal charge for each meal they receive.
Individuals 60+: $4-6 suggested donation per meal for those who qualify. These participants are encouraged to contribute any amount they can afford.
How do I get started?
Contact the ADRC of Northwest Wisconsin at 877-485-2372.
How do I make changes to my delivery schedule?
Contact the dining site where you get your meals to make meal changes-reservations or cancellations – at least 24 hours (business hours) in advance. If you are unsure which dining site serves you, please contact the ADRC of Northwest Wisconsin at 877-485-2372.
Dining Sites
Amery Congregational Church at 201 Harriman Ave. N. Amery, WI. 715-268-6818
Milltown (Temporary Location)
Joy Lutheran Church at 501 State Rd. 35, Centuria, WI. 715-554-1500
Lakeside Community Lutheran Church at 28626 County Rd. H, Webster WI. 715-349-2154
Grantsburg Senior Center at 118 Madison Ave. W., Grantsburg WI. 715-349-2154
Siren United Methodist Church at 24005 1st Ave. Siren, WI. 715-349-2154