Mobility Management Program
Providing independence and rides to Polk and Burnett CountiesAn innovative approach for managing and delivering coordinated transportation services.
Connect Communities
Mobility Manager works with local service providers to identify needs and raise awareness of Mobility Management options within each community.
One-on-One Focus
Provide person-centered travel training and trip planning, our Mobility Manager can meet with you to help plan each part of your trip.
Assist Individuals
Our Mobility Manager will work with you to find the most cost effective and reliable transportation option to get you where you want to go.
Improve Services
The Mobility Manager will review your transportation needs and will work to ensure those needs are met while striving to give you the best experience possible.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who can I contact with questions or to apply?
Call the ADRC and speak with the Mobility Manager at 715-485-8419 for any questions.
Stop in our transportation office anytime Mondy through Friday during 8:30am to 4:30pm for in-person meetings or to apply. We are located on the first floor of the Polk County Government Center.
You can print and mail the necessary forms to the ADRC. See the application section near the bottom of the page for these resources.
How does this differ from the ADRC Transportation Program?
Mobility management and transportation differ in their focus, scope, and goals. Mobility management focuses on meeting the needs of individuals through a variety of transportation options and service providers. A mobility manager acts as a travel service coordinator to seek the most effective means for meeting an individual’s transportation needs. Mobility, goes beyond basic modes of transportation, and serves as a broader perspective. T While transportation can be described as the act of moving people, mobility isn’t just about having access to one mode of transportation but also the ability to access these services and the quality of those options. In short, the difference between transportation and mobility comes down to equity and access. Our transportation services help transport you; our mobility management program helps empower you to access other transportation options as well.
What is the voucher program?
The voucher program includes two options, one for seniors and those with disabilities, and one for low-income individuals. The vouchers are submitted and used for financial reimbursement to drivers. Program application required; restrictions may apply. See the “Transportation Vouchers” section below for additional details.
Who can use this service?
Basic requirements include:
- The applicant should have their own driver.
- Voucher Program Application and W-9 must be completed. (A 1099 tax form is only distributed at year-end if the reimbursement totals $600.00 or more.)
- Agreement must be completed.
Additional requirements may apply. See the “Transportation Vouchers” section below or contact the ADRC for details.
How is this funded?
This program is funded in part by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) as authorized under 49 U.S.C. Section 5310 Mobility Options of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program (CFDA 20.513).
Mobility Management
The ADRC offers a Mobility Manager program, located in the ADRC transportation office.
This program introduces a Mobility Manager (MM) who is there to assist customers based on individual needs through a wide range of transportation options and services providers. The Mobility Manager will work with you to find the most cost effective, reliable transportation to get you where you want to go.
The goal is to understand how people navigate their unique world, identify the challenges they encounter, and actively seek solutions. By shifting our focus to mobility, we acknowledge and address the unique challenges different communities and individuals face, opening the door to create opportunities and clear roadblocks, working with local Aging Units, Clinics, Senior Centers, and other service providers to educate and raise awareness of Mobility Management, transportation options, and transportation needs within each community.
The Mobility Manager can assist with locating and establishing you with volunteer driver programs, our Area Transportation Resource Guide, the transportation voucher programs, and Medicaid or BadgerCare, non-emergency medical transportation (MTM).
Transportation Vouchers
5310 Transportation Voucher Program (Seniors and People with Disabilities)
Who qualifies for the voucher program?
Participants must reside in Polk, Burnett or within one of the St. Croix Chippewa Indians tribal reservations lands and must be over the age of 60 and/or have a physical, cognitive, or mental health disability.
What are the requirements?
- The applicant should have their own driver.
- Voucher Program Application and W-9 must be completed. (A 1099 tax form is only distributed at year-end if the reimbursement totals $600.00 or more.)
- Agreement must be completed.
After all the requirements are met, a voucher reimbursement form can be given to the approved applicant (now voucher recipient). Please make sure the top is filled out, circle “month”, and for “miles” it should read: not to exceed 150 miles. There is a space at the top to write that in.
When does the reimbursement form need to be turned into the ADRC Transportation Center?
After the ride has been provided, the voucher reimbursement form must be submitted as timely as possible the month after transport service for reimbursement to be guaranteed. Expiration of the reimbursement form occurs on the last day of the month following the month of service. Example: Participant enrolls for the program in June, receives rides in June, and must return the reimbursement document no later than the last day of July or it will expire, and reimbursement is not possible.
Who gets paid the reimbursement?
The Voucher recipient, who will then disperse the money to their driver.
Marshfield Clinic Transportation Voucher Program (Low Income)
Who qualifies for the voucher program?
Participants must reside in Polk, Burnett or within one of the St. Croix Chippewa Indians tribal reservations lands and must be under 100% of the federal poverty line based on household.

Income table listing the poverty lines by household size. Call 877-485-2372 for assistance.
What are the requirements?
- The applicant should have their own driver.
- Voucher Program Application and W-9 must be completed. (A 1099 tax form is only distributed at year-end if the reimbursement totals $600.00 or more.)
- Agreement must be completed.
After all the requirements are met, a voucher reimbursement form can be given to the approved applicant (now voucher recipient). Please make sure the top is filled out, circle “month”, and for “miles” it should read: not to exceed 150 miles. There is a space at the top to write that in.
When does the reimbursement form need to be turned into the ADRC Transportation Center?
After the ride has been provided, the voucher reimbursement form must be submitted as timely as possible the month after transport service for reimbursement to be guaranteed. Expiration of the reimbursement form occurs on the last day of the month following the month of service. Example: Participant enrolls for the program in June, receives rides in June, and must return the reimbursement document no later than the last day of July or it will expire, and reimbursement is not possible.
Who gets paid the reimbursement?
The Voucher recipient, who will then disperse the money to their driver.
How to Apply
This section includes all necessary forms to apply for Mobility Management services. Print, complete, and mail these documents to the ADRC. If you do not have access to a printer, call the ADRC and we will mail you blank forms. Click a button to be redirected to a Microsoft Word document.
Send all forms to:
ATTN: Mobility Manager
100 Polk County Plaza Suite #60
Balsam Lake, WI 54810
Transportation Guide
This guide is a collection of transportation options that serve the Polk and Burnett areas. Services may include fees and limitations. The included providers are not affiliated with the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Northwest WI. The ADRC verifies service providers to the best of our ability, but we encourage using discretion when making a selection.
Click either button below to be redirected to a transportation guide. We offer both Microsoft Word and Excel spreadsheet options.
The ADRC of NW WI operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, sex, age, religion, income status or limited English proficiency (LEP) in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and related non-discrimination authorities.
For more information on the Recipient’s civil rights program, ADA obligations, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact the ADRC of NW WI,, 877-485-2372 or for hearing impaired, please use Wisconsin Relay 711 service
This program is funded in part by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) as authorized under 49 U.S.C. Section 5310 Mobility Options of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program (CFDA 20.513).
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states “No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from, participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” – Title 42 USC Section 2000d