Classes & Events

SKIP TO: Powerful Tools for Caregivers Arthritis-Friendly Fitness Strong Bodies Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Stepping On Mind Over Matter Healthy Brain Book Club Meaning & Hope Boost your Brain and Memory Healthy Living with Diabetes Interest Form  

The ADRC works with community partners, as well as the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, to provide evidence-based health and wellness programs. These programs are designed to help you live a healthier lifestyle, maintain your independence, and support your mental and physical well-being.

See below for program descriptions, future workshop dates and times, and how to get involved and register!

Click here to go to the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging (WIHA) website to see a list of all the workshops in Wisconsin.

Upcoming Workshops: 2025. To be announced.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a six-week workshop for unpaid family caregivers. There are now two versions of this workshop one focused on family caregivers of older adults (the original Powerful Tools for Caregivers) and one for family caregivers of children (both minor and adult) with special needs (Powerful Tools for Caregivers of Children with Special Needs). Both versions provide caregivers with the tools they need to better care for themselves during their caregiving journey. By taking care of their own physical, emotional and financial needs, the family caregiver becomes a better caregiver.

Are you helping a spouse, partner, parent, or friend? Someone who lives at home or in a nursing facility? Is someone close by or across the country? Do you have a child with special needs? It doesn’t matter. This program will help you cope with the challenges that come with your added role of caregiver.

The workshop will give you tools to:

  • Reduce stress, guilt, anger, and depression
  • Manage your time, set goals, and solve problems
  • Master caregiver transitions
  • Make tough decisions
  • Communicate effectively with your care receiver, family members, doctors, and paid helpers

For more information about the Powerful Tools for Caregivers Program or to find an open class, you can visit the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging website or the Powerful Tools National Organization.

Arthritis-Friendly Fitness Class

Upcoming Workshop: Every Tuesday and Thursday 10:15 – 11:00 am

The ADRC’s arthritis-friendly senior fitness fall-prevention class is an evidence-based program, based on and expanding from the Arthritis Foundation’s Exercise Program. We have partnered with senior fitness organization Live 2 B Healthy to offer this ongoing class to help improve balance, strength, and flexibility and empower you to stay healthy and independent.

The course is facilitated by a nationally certified trainer with progress tracking available. Located at the Osceola Community Church. To register contact Kelly Nygard at or 612-751-9151.

Arthritis friendly fitness classes offered at Osceola Community Church Tuesday and Thursday at 10:15am. Contact Kelly Nygard at 612-751-9151 for info or to register.


Upcoming Workshops: None scheduled.

The Extension StrongBodies Program is based on the StrongWomen Program that was created by Professors Miriam E. Nelson and Rebecca Seguin. StrongBodies will catalyze positive change in people of all ages to live stronger, healthier lives by providing knowledge, inspiration, access to programs, and ongoing support.

The StrongBodies Program is based upon research on how strength training and proper nutrition improves health outcomes for people of all ages. Over 16,000 participants have reported improved muscle strength, dynamic balance, flexibility, endurance; increases in participants’ knowledge of health and nutrition best practices; and increases social connection, leading to overall improved health conditions outcomes (decrease in osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, and depression).

This program is offered periodically through the University of Wisconsin – Extension in conjunction with the ADRC. Current classes are listed below:

No Classes Currently Offered

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program

Available Vouchers: 9 (11/1/24)

The ADRC offers a fixed number of vouchers each year for a program called Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less. It is a 15-week virtual fitness program enrolled in by an individual with a new session beginning each month. Participants can elect one of multiple time slots to enroll in a class that fits their schedule. You may attend the class on your computer, laptop, smartphone, iPad or tablet. You are not required to have a microphone or a camera in order to participate in the program. All communication on the participant end is done through typing in the chat box on the screen. The program operates through Zoom.

Each lesson teaches foundational skills, focuses on sustainable changes, and is delivered in an interactive real-time format with a live instructor. This is an evidence-based program facilitated by North Carolina State University. More information is available HERE.

Each lesson includes:

  • Information about why the behavior is important for weight loss/maintenance
  • Practical strategies for adopting the behavior
  • 3-5 minute physical activity break
  • Ways concepts can be adopted by the whole family
  • Opportunity for sharing and celebrating
  • Suggestions for living mindfully
  • Guided discussion of strategy for the week

Upcoming Workshops: Thursdays, January 2nd through February 13th, 10am to 12pm


Stepping On is a 7-week (one 2-hour session per week) in-person falls prevention program conducted by trained leaders, and specially designed for adult learners. The program has been researched and proven to reduce falls by 31%!

Stepping On brings together the life experience of its participants and the expertise of community professionals. From the first session, participants put new skills to use. Group members set short term goals each week – goals that focus on life activities that are most important to them. Physical therapists, pharmacists and other experts help the group adapt fall prevention practices for individual needs and levels.

For more information on Stepping On, visit the Wisconsin Institute on Healthy Aging website.


A flyer advertising Stepping On fall prevention class starting January 2nd. Call 877-485-2372 for details.

Stepping On fall prevention class starting January 2nd. Call 877-485-2372 for details.


Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder

Upcoming Workshops:  3 session series over January 6th, 20th, and February 3rd

Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder is a small group, woman-facilitated, evidence-based program pioneered by urogynecologist Dr. Heidi Brown. She made this program to help women 50 years of age and older take back control of their body and live rich and fulfilling lives without being controlled by bladder and/or bowel leakage. Research at University of Wisconsin shows that over 61% of adult women struggle with incontinence, but research has also shown that attending the program and applying the skills built by it improves bladder symptoms for 71% of participants and bowel symptoms for 55%!


Mind Over Matter is offered both in-person or virtually in small class sizes of 12 or less and meets once a week for two hours, every other week for three sessions. The program uses data-supported techniques including strength building exercises, nutrition education, and empowerment practices to facilitate lasting lifestyle changes for long-term improvements. As with all ADRC health promotion programs, anything shared in classes is kept strictly confidential.

Dr. Brown has been quoted as saying “too many women are told that incontinence is inevitable as we age or following childbirth. We know it doesn’t have to be this way, and our mission is to share that message broadly and connect those who are experiencing these symptoms with solutions that work for them. Women need us now more than ever, and we are changing the storyline.”


A flyer advertising Mind Over Matter, a bladder & bowel incontinence management program. For details call 877-485-2372

A flyer advertising Mind Over Matter, a bladder & bowel incontinence management program beginning January 6th. For details call 877-485-2372


For more information, you may visit the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging’s Mind Over Matter page.

MOM is not appropriate for women with acute illnesses (cold or flu), severe hearing/vision loss, or dementia. If you are experiencing pain in your lower abdomen or pelvis or see blood in your urine or stool, you should talk to your health care provider about your symptoms before signing up for MOM. The curriculum is applicable for those with female anatomy.  Mind Over Matter is not an alternative for professional medical care, always consult your doctor for medical concerns or before lifestyle changes that may not be right for you, such as diet changes or medication adjustments. The ADRC is an equal opportunity service provider; if you are interested in MoM but are not a woman over 50 years of age, please contact us.

Healthy Brain Book Club

Upcoming Workshops:  TBD

This is a facilitator-guided virtual book club that reads the book “High-Octane Brain” and discusses one chapter per week. Participants receive a FREE copy of the book. The author, board-certified neuropsychologist Dr. Michelle Braun, inspires readers to make lasting improvements by understanding the truth about brain health and providing expert guidance through the maze of conflicting media advice on supplements, brain games, nutrition, and exercise. Braun interviews eight leading brain health experts, combining their insights with cutting-edge research to offer proven strategies to implement the five steps of the High-Octane Brain. Interactive exercises guide readers to develop a personalized program for optimal brain health.

Join us in this groups to learn together more about what we can do to maintain and encourage long-term brain health.


High Octane Brain virtual book club. Call 877-485-2372 for details or to register.


Upcoming Workshops: TBD

The Finding Meaning and Hope discussion series was created based on teachings from Dr. Pauline Boss in her book Loving Someone Who Has Dementia: How to Find Hope While Coping with Stress and Grief. This program was created for caregivers of a loved one with Dementia or other cognitive impairments and will help the caregiver build hope and resilience while dealing with complex grief.

This is a FREE 10-week course meeting once a week in which you will build skills to support your health and resilience as a caregiver. This group program features videos and discussions. It is virtual via Zoom and requires access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet access. For questions or assistance call 877-485-2372.


Boost your Brain and Memory

Upcoming Workshops: TBD


The Boost your Brain and Memory program is an 8-week evidence-based course that focuses on lifestyle aspects that impact brain health, as well as help participants develop memory strategies to use in their day-to-day lives. The program is open to anybody, with a focus on how to keep your brain healthy and slow the progression of dementia for those with a diagnosis. Boost your Brain and Memory may also reduce the risk of developing dementia in those without it, though there are no guaranteed ways to prevent onset of the disease.

The program covers topics such as physical activity, emotional health, intellectual activity, nutrition, spiritual activity, and social engagement. Boost your Brain and Memory aims to address these topics to help participants build a healthier lifestyle in ways that improve memory, promote better organization, increase attention, and manage emotions.


Due to volunteer shortages Healthy Living with Diabetes has been suspended. If you are interested in working with the ADRC to become a trained facilitator, please contact Symone Sine at 715-485-8449.


Contact the ADRC if you are interested in attending a workshop.